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  • 家园号:636016
  • 公司名称:
    [上海 ]


职位名称: 项目经理Project Manager 职位类别: 不限
招聘人数 3人 职位性质 全职工作
工作经验: 不限 截止日期: 2010/12/31
薪资待遇: 面议 工作地区: 上海
联系人: E-mail: kangxinsheji@gmail.com
电话: 传真:
职位描述及要求 Responsibilities:
1)Be responsible fOR the cost management, quality management AND process management, thus be fully responsible fOR the whole project as well as its final result.
2)Supervise AND control the wORk of the site superintendent.
3)CoORdinate independently with the Government, the designer, the owner, the building, the vendORs AND the site superintendent, etc, AND solve the problems during the project so as to ensure the smooth carry-out of the project.

1)BachelOR degree OR above majORing in interiOR design, construction management, mechanical OR related fields;
2)About 28-35 years old with over 6 years site project management experiences in construction;
3)Fluent in ORal AND written English;
4)Good presentation AND communication skills.